Your prayers are always appreciated!
Current Prayer Requests:
- For the Christmas Campaign, that we would be able to raise £3,000 ($3,894 USD) for Christmas dinner and presents for the children;
- That God will continue to guide and protect the many pastors and evangelists as they continue to preach the gospel in remote parts of India and East Africa;
- That God will provide special guidance to the River of Life leadership, especially to Dr. Brown, Bishop Kanthi, and Bishop Samson;
- For the funds to finish the facility at Migori, Kenya.
Donation Options
If you would like to financially support River of Life Ministries International, please consider giving to our Christmas Fundraising Campaign
One-time and recurring donations to the River of Life Ministries general fund can be made through pay pal.
All donations are greatly appreciated.
For more information on donating to River of Life ministries, please contact our UK office.
ROLI is a registered Charity No. 147/2001 A.P. India & a registered NGO OP.218/051/0080/1735, Nairobi, Kenya