Convince was 13 when she came to River of Life for help. Her mother had died and she lived in the slums of Kibeira with her father who severely physically and sexually abused her. Convince came to River of Life on her own seeking refuge from her father, but was two scared to publicly speak against him.

When she was taken into the River orphanage, Convince’s father went to court in an attempt to get her back. River of life went to court on Convince’s behalf and was awarded custody of her by a Judge in Karen, Nairobi. The Judge also prohibited Convince’s father from having any further contact with her.

Convince with Rover and Paul Brown

With the knowledge that she was now safe from her father, and with the care an education she needed, Convince began to open up. Her caretakers marveled at the difference they began to see in her as the working of God’s healing power was evident on many of her physical and emotional scars. 

With some help, Convince was able to find a good job with a safe living environment and moved out of the River of Life facility at the age of 16.